Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rishikesh Part II

The Ganges
Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember what a gift it is to spend time in these most sacred places. 

For day two we decided to venture off on a little hike "down the road" and up a trail to find a waterfall. Whenever you ask directions in India, people simply say something like,"Just a ten minute walk", or "Just around the corner". So the three of us set off on foot on the mountain road in search of the waterfall trail. In distance, the walk was not THAT far, but the winding corners and signs like these tell it all. On our way back, some nice young men offered us a ride and we took it!

Shannon ready for a dip
We made it to the first of the falls but found the trail too washed out by earlier flooding to go any further. So we spent the afternoon soaking in the pools and basking in the fresh mountain air. Such a treat after Delhi!

This is no joke!
As we headed back into town and to a cafe for lunch, this man came up behind us trying to sell his services of an ear cleaning. He kept saying, "Let me just show you how I work." Any service can be had just about anytime. Notice the cotton balls he has tucked behind his ears. I was trying so hard not to laugh, I finally asked him if I could take his picture. He agreed with a smile but wanted to see the photo. He smiled even bigger.

Monkey on suspension bridge
Next post: The Beatles's Ashram!

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