Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First weeks in Delhi

It's hard to believe that I have only been in New Delhi for just 10 days. The colors of  neon saris, sounds of beeping masses of vehicles and the smiles and deep peering eyes fill my senses. A day does not go by when I do not see a scene from everyday life that was unimaginable before. Learning how to navigate calling a taxi while wondering if it could possibly be air-conditioned? Watching men on beater bikes carrying lumber or sheet metal on their backs weaving in and out of traffic only a mad woman would be caught dead in. Still somehow the chaos all works and I have yet to see a car accident. The people are what capture my heart. Even the poorest of the poor will smile and greet me. It's as if today, this moment, is all there is. Embrace it.


  1. Fantastic and beautiful.

  2. Yeah! I had to go in through google reader..but I found it!!

  3. Doreen, So glad the blog setup is working. Your pics and words are special to me. -jay

  4. Don't know how to move to "member" status. I don't know if that makes any difference.

  5. I am so enjoying your descriptions and experince - good reminders and perspective on life.

  6. Doreen,
    Maybe the man I talked in England was right. Everyone should go to India.


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