Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dr. Bob Hetzel: Director of AES

Inspiration comes in many forms, sometimes in the giggles of first graders and sometimes in the faces of physical laborers working on rooftops in 100 degree weather. Once in a great while a man or woman comes into your life who is not only an outstanding leader, but also breathes inspiration into everyone around. Bob Hetzel, the director of AES, is one of those rare human beings.

Bob has an uncanny ability to unite over 1,200 students and 200 teachers from all over the world. His daily quotes and intriguing video presentations bring whole audiences to tears. He truly models that every human being needs nurturing to thrive, and that life is more meaningful when lived with integrity and passion.

At the first whole faculty gathering, Bob presented all the new teachers (32 of us) with fresh jasmine garlands while a small bio was read about each of us. Our native Indian teachers bowed to us and said "thank-you" for coming to India.

This spirit is present in all the teachers, staff members, laborers, cooks, drivers and students. I am blessed.

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