Friday, March 30, 2012

Varanasi Part II

Dhameka Stupa Sarnath

Day two took us on a quest to visit the site of where Buddha gave his first sermon. Sarnath is about 10 km outside of Varanasi. A newer Buddhist temple, museum, and ruins of Buddha's first Dharma and Sangha place adjoin each other on several acres of land. Upon his death, Buddha declared Sarnath as one the  four sacred places.

Buddhist nuns visiting the site.

Inside the Sarnath Buddhist temple.
Marisa inside neighboring temple.
Marisa with our Varanasi "guides".
Day three found us being guided by these two young men through the streets of Varanasi. They took us from temple to temple guarding us from the masses of scooters, cows, and pedi-cabs, darting in and out of alleys. They both spoke excellent English and explained every ritual we witnessed. We even got to see the makings of hand-beaded saris.

Hand-beading a sari.
Weaving silk
Varansi is famous for its silk products. Of course we managed to come away with lovely silk pj's and scarves.

The painted saying on this boat made me smile. I'm working on it! But notice the color of the river...

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