Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back in Delhi

As hard as it was to leave my family and friends, Delhi does seem like "home" now. The crazy traffic and mobs of people seem normal to me, as well as the occasional cow and monkey. Nice to reconnect with good friends, and get to know the new teachers.

One of our first jaunts was to our favorite spot, Hauz Khaz, a tiny artsy village, once the second city of Delhi. Dinner at our favorite South Indian restaurant.

Dusk at Hauz Khaz ruins

Spent Sunday afternoon meeting my new Nepalese "grandson", Aloak.

Niraj, wife, and baby, Aloak
Niraj is my acupressurist. Aloak's eyes are painted with a mixture of charcoal and oil to make his eyes "bigger". They do  not use diapers, just layers of cloth. Niraj's mother-in-law spends most of her day washing the cloths.

Kris and I have been designated the American grandma's. Okay with me!
My new class of 18 students (can you believe that?) is wonderful. It is going to be a great year!

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