Monday, April 30, 2012

Bangkok, Thailand and Bumrungrad Hospital

Bumrungrad Hospital

What a surprise it was to learn that my medical insurance would cover a complete high-tech yearly exam in Bangkok, Thailand! Of course, I had to pay for air travel, hotel and food. But to say that this was worth every penny is an understatement. Two colleagues, Kris and Ellen, and I took advantage of a 4-day weekend to make this happen.

In five hours I was thoroughly examined through blood tests, eye exam, full-body ultra-sounds (including heart), etc. and analyzed and consulted with by three doctors. All in one day! The hospital is state of the art, impeccably clean, and a technological wonder. Attendants dressed in silk pant suits directed and accompanied us throughout the process. It was assembly-like medical care with compassion. People come from all over the world for medical care here. Okay, the intimacy of meeting with my own private physician was not there, but I walked away with a DVD of all my stats, ultra-sounds and recommendations for dietary changes. As thorough as it gets. Best of all, I am in great health (minus a few pounds I need to lose...).

Best foot massage ever!
On every block there is a Thai massage business. For $9.00 you can have an hour-long foot massage that includes head and neck massage as well. We definitely took advantage of one each day.

Largest Reclining Buddha in the world.
Our first day we ventured out by the wonderful Sky Train mass transit and a river boat ride  to visit the Buddhist temples of  Wat Pho. This 160 ft long  sculpture  decorated in gold leaf was magnificent.

Wat Pho Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Bangkok and still home to a monastery and traditional Thai medicine school.

There are over 1,000 images of Buddha at the temple, all different and unique.

Thai woman placing coins in 108 bronze bowls as offerings.

Giant stone Chinese guards outside temple.

These whimsical sculptures were a mystery to me. They were found throughout the park-like setting of Wat Pho.

Just a cat...

Colorful tuk-tuks of Bangkok.

Ariyasomvilla Hotel
Thanks to Ellen, we stayed at this tropical oasis hotel in the  middle of Bangkok, five minutes from the hospital. What a gem! Complete with organic vegetarian food and spa.

Kris and Ellen. Can you guess the speckled fruit?
Poolside sculpture
What a pleasure it was to be able to eat the street food without the worries of getting sick as in India. I was in heaven!

Young waiters at a typical Thai cafe. Our yummy rice and chicken dish was served in a half pineapple. $3.00!
Saturday Kris and I hit the streets in 100 degree weather with 100% humidity to find the famous weekend market. We spent hours weaving in and out of stalls finding all kinds of inexpensive treasures. Didn't even manage to see 1/2 of the market.


At one point we found ourselves in the heart of the section selling all kinds of animals. Not pleasant watching hundreds of bunnies, puppies, birds, etc for sale in horrendous heat. 

Puppy market

Bunny with dress
Our four days in Bangkok were certainly not enough, but next year I'll definitely go back for my annual physical.

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