Sunday, November 6, 2011

Smog and the Crafts Museum

When I stepped out of the airport two weeks ago on my return back to Delhi, a  haze of smoke-filled air caught my lungs off guard. Had there been a huge fire somewhere in Delhi? Ah no, I had forgotten that the week-long celebration of Diwali included daily/nightly fireworks throughout this city of 16,000,000! So for the next few days I stayed inside as much as possible and got my air purifiers plugged in. Well, two weeks later it isn't much better due to the cooler (88 degrees) weather and people burning just about anything to cook and stay warm during the cooler evenings. I had been warned about the air in winter, but this is much worse than I could have imagined.

On a lighter note, my friend, Kris and I visited the Crafts Museum yesterday and ran into these wonderful creatures and the artist.

The artist of these wondeful creations happened to be there and explained his process. First he constructs animal-like figures out of styrofoam.

Then his helpers tear Indian cloth, soaked in water and glue, and place strip by strip onto the foam.

The exhibit is in honor of Children's Day, Nov. 14. Am hoping to take my students to see this extraordinary work.

Other great finds at the museum:

Traditional Indian wall painting of a tiger. Valorie, I see an art project hatching!

Terra cotta horse.

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