Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tibetan Teachers

This past week I was honored to host one of the 17 teachers visiting from the Dalai Lama's Tibetan Children's Village School.The school was founded in 1960 as a response to a dire need for housing and education for children and adults fleeing Tibet following the Chinese takeover. AES has begun a partnership with the TCV schools to provide training and resources to these schools. I will be traveling to their community, Dharmasala, in November.

 The women wear traditional
"wraps" as uniforms when teaching. If married, they wear a striped version.
 No, the dog was not theirs, but from one of the host families (from Bellevue, WA!). Of course they wanted to take it home. Who wouldn't?

Along with the gift of spending time from such dedicated and devoted people, a long-time favorite educator, Georgia Heard, joined in this week from NYC to provide training. I was sooo delighted as I have used her writing lessons (poetry) for years. We all celebrated with dinner and a concert on Friday  night.

 We were gifted with white silk Tibetan scarves and tea.
Georgia with her gift of a model tuk-tuk. We all said our goodbye's in tears with another universal connection that I could not have imagined a year ago.

Universal Responsibilty

I believe
that we must
consciously develop
a greater sense of
Universal Responsibility
We must learn to work
not just for our own
individual self,
family or nation,
but for the benefit of
all mankind.

H.H. The XIVth Dalai Lama

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