Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Dalai Lama in Delhi- March 9, 2013

Since living in Delhi for the past two years, I have missed opportunities to be in the presence of the Dalai Lama each time he passed through. Last weekend I was committed to find a way to see him. And I did!

On March 9, HH was giving a teaching at the Buddha Jayanti Park. A small group of friends and I left two hours early to be sure to be granted entrance to the park. Not only did we get in, we were escorted in front of hundreds of Tibetans into the front rows. I was overjoyed, but rather embarrassed to be given preferential seating. When I asked Bess, a friend who is in the "diplomatic" circle, she explained that the Tibetan community wants foreigners to carry the Dalai Lama's message through out the world. I was quite humbled.

This beautiful sculpture of Buddha, given to the citizens of Delhi by HH,  was the background for where the Dalai Lama sat. He was scheduled to talk from 2-4 pm. Exactly at 2 pm he strolled along the landscaped paths in full bloom with someone holding an umbrella above his head. Of course there were several guards all around him, but he arrived like a butterfly lighting on a flower.

As he sat down, he bowed and then immediately laughed with his deep belly laugh. This is what I will remember most.

The Dalai Lama gave teachings from "The Three Principles of the Path". This day he spoke in Tibetan, although his English is wonderful. I found the translations very challenging, and quite honestly, did not understand much of what was said. Instead I focused on HH's bright eyes, gentle rocking from side to side and his occasional laugh. That was enough to satisfy me.

A lovely Tibetan woman sat next to me and gently focused me through the readings, and in her excellent English, she tried to help me understand some of the teachings. Her willingness to share her devotion was quite special indeed.

To be in the presence of this great peacemaker, the living Compassion Buddha, was a day that I will never forget.

**Photo of the Dalai Lama is from We were told not to bring cameras.